Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dottie and Lee 's Excellent Paris Adventure

Bon jour to our far-flung family. Dottie and Lee are home after celebrating (a little belatedly) their 20th anniversary with a trip to Paris April 12-19. We stayed at a pleasant hotel conveniently located near Notre Dame, and visited the main sights, including the Louvre, Musee D'Orsay, Musee d'Carnavalet (where Lee posed with the original of "Parisienne, Place de la Concorde," which was the subject of s short story he wrote), Eiffel Tour, Sacre Coeur and Montmartre and the Pantheon, where France buries her heroes.

Paris was unseasonably cold and windy, which limited our boulevard strolling and leisurely window shopping, and all the prices were outrageous, but we had a great time.
Of course, we managed to find our way to some charming cafes, bistros and restaurants, and took pictures of everything, including food stands where fresh seafood and produce such as white asparagus were on display.

If you want to see some of our pix, with captions, you can go to our web album at:

Now that we're back in sunny Carolina, y'all come see us, y'heah?
Love, Lee and Dottie

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Jennifer said...

Oh mon Dieu! Oh la la! C'est pas possible! Another wonderful trip? Going to check out the pics as soon as I get Joe to bed. I'm so glad you had fun and congratulations on 20 years!

Laura said...

Awesome pictures! Can't wait to hear all about the trip!