Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to all!
We had a great Christmas at Mom's house in Fredericksburg, though we missed seeing many of you. One gift we received from Julia was a beautiful book enclosing the touching letters each of you wrote to Joseph. Thank you all so very much. I am keeping it safe for Joe to read when he's older. Here are a few pictures from Christmas Day. Hopefully Julia will post pictures of Anthony & Kaiya. We have no plans for New Year's Eve, though we are looking forward to seeing Lee & Dottie in the afternoon. I imagine we'll be asleep (Joe willing) when the ball drops. Have a safe and happy New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

All is well!

I thought I'd post some pics from Anthony's birthday party and from his gym class. He's becoming quite the little gymnist!

I hope everyone is all ready for Christmas- I FINALLY finished on Monday. Now on to wrapping and guarding all the wrapped presents from Kaiya! It should be fun... MERRY CHRISTMAS

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

To make my sister happy

Hello! I figured if I didn't write something soon that I'd never hear the end of it from Laura. :)

Happy Belated Birthday, Aunt Munget!

I am finally getting things moving for Christmas. We got the tree up this weekend and took Oscar and Buster to see Santa Clause! If I ever learn how to master modern technology, I will try to post the picture of "da boys" with Santa. But, don't hold your breath people, I still have every picture I've ever taken on my digital camera because I don't know how to get them off of it... Hey, atleast I have a digital camera, right? I probably shouldn't add that I've had Tivo for 2 years and just hooked it up...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Many Thanks!

Hey Ya'll,
Many Thanks for your kind wishes for a Happy Birthday
for me!! Uh,Missy Laura,where in the world did you get THAT photo
of me? Really,you do NOT need to "fix it later" it is fine just the way
it is.
I had a fine Birthday! Everyone at work wished me a Happy BD and
gave me Godiva chocolates!
My neighbor Jan and neighbor Patti took me out to a place called
City Cafe for dinner. They serve 7 layer cakes!!! (Believe me,I counted
every layer!)
I also saw Chronicals of Narnia. It has been decades- er um,
years,since I last read the book of the Lion ,The Witch and The Wardrobe. I wondered if
I would recall much of it. I did! It was very good and followed the book very well
as my memory serves me.
Now,I am recooping from the weekend and gearing up for a tough week at
work,pray for me over the next two and a half weeks!!!!!
I miss ya'll.
Be good fer Santa!
I love ya too!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Aunt Margaret!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Margaret, Happy Birthday to You!!! I hope you are having a fabulous birthday!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dial M for Margaret

I can't seem to get email through to Aunt Margaret - anyone else having the same issue? I'm hoping it's working soon, it's only a couple of days until AuntieM's birthday!

They say we may actually get 5+ inches of snow Thursday night into Friday. I hope it will shut down am rush hour :) but then be clear so I can head out of Dodge. I got most of my decorating done last weekend, and actually most of my wrapping. This weekend I need to tackle cards and cookies. I feel like baking up a storm. Shannon says she has quite a bit to do this weekend to catch up.

What are you up to?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Deck the Halls?

It's hard to believe it's December! It is crisp and sunny outside, that's the view today. This morning I harvested a huge basket of pine cones. Later Andy and I will decorate the tree and I think I'm going to tackle wrapping some Christmas presents. Right now though I'm watching Barefoot Contessa on Food Network. She's whipping up some homemade truffles. I don't think I'll be doing that today, but it's good inspiration.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Catching up!

From Decatur,GA I spent Turkey day at William's wife's(Judy)sister's house(Karen).
She lives just 10 minutes from me. There were just about 40 folks spread throughout the
house,from the elderly(80ish ) to the wee one( 3 weeks old). There were two five year
old twins who stole the show,as we all managed to hold hands for Thanksgiving prayer,the five
year old girl Jeanie,said with great suspense,that she was most grateful for........Dogs! We all
cracked up!
Black Friday,our store did over 1.3 million in sales. I felt like I rang about 1/2 of that!
I survived! ;)
I miss you all so very much,hope to see you soon next year!
Love to all! AuntieM.-Margaret

How To!

I thought I'd decode the magic of posting and actual blog post since there's no clear way to do it from this page. When you signed up for Blogger, you got an account and a "dashboard". You can get there by clicking the Blogger icon in the upper left hand corner of this page or by clicking "Back to Dashboard" in the upper right. There you'll get a familiar text box, just type and click "Publish Post" and you are blogging!