Monday, June 25, 2007

Pilgrims' Progress

Progress is being made here, I promise. I've narrowed down the house options to ones that might potentially house 26 humans for three days. I will be sharing those with an elite focus group tomorrow and seeing if we can get these houses reserved!

In the meantime I also won a couple more nice contracts for work, went back to Orlando for one night for more Army stuff, groomed the dog, listened to the husband tell me about getting stung by a bee about 237 times, and spent the weekend with culinary adventures.

Friday I spent the morning at Dean & Deluca and Whole Foods where I found my lunch - sweet potato gnocchi that I dressed with a homemade gruyere cheese sauce. On the way to the river we stopped at the farm stand where I got fabulous cucumbers which are currently evolving into pickles in my fridge. I made candied walnuts and learned that Granny used to make good candies. Saturday night was the great grilling experiment and I made grilled chicken, steak and corn with a non-gross dijon potato salad.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday Jennifer
Happy Birthday to you!
Everyone at my house is wishing you a relaxing, peaceful birthday. Have fun! We love you.
Julia, Tara, Anthony and Kaiya

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I still need t-shirt sizes for Rupert, Uncle Lee, Aunt Dottie, Shannon and Rick.

Please tell me ASAP if anyone planning on attending that is NOT on this list...


Also, if there are any special requests that you have in regards to the t's please let me know. I have heard so far that white is not desirable and that certain men will only where pocket tees...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ewing Expedition

Hello everyone! If this is your first visit to Ewing Universe, take a spin around and take it all in! We are going to Tybee Island, Georgia for a family reunion October 11 - 14. The gang's all coming and we're hoping you are too!

We're in the process of finding two houses or other accommodations close to each other that can handle our rowdy brood. If you have any special preferences or needs - now is the time to email laura AT milaroad DOT com to tell me.

Today's Ewing Expedition Quest for Knowledge Question is:
What one thing do you hope to be able to do while at Tybee?

You can post your response here or let me know offline.

Reminder: Send Julia your teeshirt sizes. You should have an email about that.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hey Hey Hey!

Hello People-

Nothing too much new or interesting here... Anthony is wrapping up his Kindergarten year and is looking forward to summer camp; he is starting a full day program right after school's out. It includes academics all day, breakfast, lunch and snack, swimming every afternoon and field trips on Fridays- I was really hoping they let Mom's come too :( At any rate, he will be busy during the summer and not playing video games. 500 points for me!

Kaiya will be hanging around here but hopefully going on lots of Wednesday trips and play dates with friends. I have enrolled her in gymnastics and she really loves it- she's already doing summersaults on the balance beam- go Kaiya! She is growing up fast and finally calming down a bit. Her very favorite things are still digging in the dirt, going worm hunting and climbing trees. Oh and changin clothes 5-6 times a day at the VERY least...

Tara and I are doing good and staying out of trouble :) Tara's oldest son is graduating HS this year and moving to Louisiana with his grandparents, he'll be working on the tugboats and making more money then us- I guess that's good for him. We will all miss him VERY much but we're glad he is going to be self sufficient. Work is going good for me- I love being in constant contact with the soldiers overseas and doing my part of keeping them happy! Lots of travel coming up- Ft. Knox in two weeks, Chicago in July, Louisiana in August, and then Tybee and ST. Louis in October- Whew!

Anyway, we are looking forward to Tybee and seeing should be really nice to catch up and hang out with everyone!

I would like to do some family t-shirts of the reunion so please send me your (and spouse, kid etc...who will be attending) t-shirt size... I'll send out an email too.

Take Care and I love you!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tybee Ho!

Well, well, look at that, it appears this family may do a thing! I just caught up on the planning this week but it sounds like Tybee could be some family fun. What has the NoVa Ewing branch been up to? Well, I went to Orlando and saw Jerry & Suzanne while teaching the Army some marketing schtuff. We're heading to Baltimore this weekend for races at Pimlico celebrating the birthdays of my uncles on the other side o' the family. I have to go back to Orlando in two weeks for one night to do yet more Army stuff - but all that means that my work has definitely picked up - one might even say business is booming. And now we've added a trip to Portland to see my sister Lydia get married and the trip to Tybee and I'm starting to feel like a serious globetrotter.

Last weekend (was it really only 4 days ago?!?!?) we went to the Irvington Farmer's Market and a big annual yard sale in Kilmarnock. We'll miss the river this weekend, but the races will be fun. Those kitties above are Buzz and Maddie. Buzz has been working the late shift on Cat Security around our house. A grey tabby wandered up to our door in the middle of the night and Buzz went ballistic. This is Front Blog News because Buzz's veins are usually filled with Prozac, he is Mr. Tranquility.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's June and I am wondering....

How's everyone doing?
Have all of your pets come through the pet food crisis okay? Our cat Ophelia is okay.
Where are the youtube videos of Charlie and Max?
Who's heard recently from Charlie, David or the Pates?
What's the latest with Lee&Dottie, Laura&Andy and Shannon&Rick?
Is the family reunion really happening in October at Tybee? (That's what Dad told me recently.)
I have to go to a wedding on October 20th.
Is everyone contacting everyone but me?
Does anyone look at this blog or Romascoworld?

I hope someone will get back to me. I miss everyone!