Monday, July 23, 2007

Thanks Grandpa

Seriously people, can I just say this?

Thank you Grandpa for being an obsessive typist who didn't write all your letters longhand! Because you loved your typewriter your letters are not only scanable, but also legible! So I can know all the gory details of vaguely raunchy Army humor with Howard and see all the times you insisted Dora could come up and live with the Ewings should it ever suit her.

Now if only I could go back in time to persuade you not to type double-sided letters.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Uhoh... Shannon's Birthday!!!

I hope you & Rick had a wonderful anniversary/birthday celebration last weekend. I'm sorry I didn't post a happy message to you earlier. What did you two do to celebrate? I'm thinking of you and I love you bunches!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Pink Flamingos in Your Future

I am seeing a giant pink flamingo in your future. The houses are booked for Tybee October 11-14. We'll be staying in Pink Flamingo and Coral Reef.